Prayer to the Ghost of Pee Wee Herman after Lauren Boebert was Caught Performing an Actual Sex Act in an Actual Public Theater
Body Fluids
October 2023
O, Holy St. Paul Reubens,
Blessed Patron of Weird,
Your love for life and charity for all creatures made you worthy, while on earth, to possess hilarious miraculous powers.
O, Holy Muse, cast out of earthly grace. Your image stolen and blasphemed for standing in your own divine light.
O, Inspired Beacon of resolve and joy, we implore you to grant unto us from your eternal Chairry Throne, the gifts of true poetic justice.
We humbly pray to you St. Paul Reubens, that all that was unjustly done you on this earth, be justly served unto them.
O, Sacred Suit, mirror to our souls, we give you thanks for the many joyous gifts you have given unto us.
Until we meet again at the Playhouse Gates, we pray that just as you saved the serpents from captivity, you return with bright screaming grace all projections to their true, rightful place.
As we follow in your tall shining shoes, may we collectively rejoice at the shared word of this day, and shout together as thy bright voice speaks justice!
O, Humble Messenger of wisdom and awkward grace, together we pray
May thy will be done
On earth
As it is in the Magic Screen.
In Jambi’s name,